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Hi, I am Mansoor 👋

I'm a Laravel developer with a strong background in freelance work. Since starting my career, I've enjoyed the flexibility, freedom and diversity that freelancing offers. While I primarily work as a solo developer, I also love collaborating with teams on larger projects.

Over the years, I've built a bunch of cool stuff: CRMs that keep businesses organized, sleek admin dashboards, e-commerce stores that make selling a breeze, personal websites to showcase individuality, and even MLM platforms (even though I hate them). I've also helped folks migrate their WordPress sites to Laravel (Filament mostly), and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Beyond client work, I'm a firm believer in giving back to the open-source community. Filament is my current playground, where I've been able to take snippets of code from my projects and turn them into helpful Filament plugins.

Life Beyond the Screen 🖥

When I'm not coding, you might find me belting out a tune, strumming some chords, or capturing the world around me. Evenings are for long walks to clear up my head, strech body and spending quality time with the people I love.